My friend RODRIGO SOARES has always been a very gifted fashion designer. I remember him winning awards and prices when still working on his bachelor degree at HEAD Art and Design school in Geneva. When he lived in Geneva he organized and participated in an impressive number of entertaining fashion shows and events. The shows was always very eclectic and special with characters telling stories filled with humor and irony. Rodrigos créations was stocked in some of the most important stores for fashion in Switzerland and I had the opportunity to carry some of his most special pieces in my store FAMOUS APE. The Swiss press was following and publishing articles about this talented upcomer and I had customers coming every week asking for the next arrivals from Rodrigos collection RS jeans. The cuts and the details in these collections was way over normal standards. Rodrigos sharp eye and talent to always get the cut of trousers and jackets just right plus the high quality of fabrics, buttons, zippers etc made his urban brand feel like haute couture. Little by little a friendship between me and this charming Brazilian young man was installed and one day he decided to open a store beside my store. Rodrigos store was beautiful with a bright and pure interior giving the rightful attention to the clothes. It reminded of a high end art gallery exposing a brillant work of a talented artist. I was very happy to have such a special neighbor bringing a fresh wind and a touch of luxury to my little neighborhood in the student and artist area called Plainpalais in Geneva. But Geneva and little Switzerland was to small for my brilliant friends and Rodrigo took of for New York where he worked a while for ANA SUI. After New York Rodrigo went home to Brazil where he got busy opening up his own stores. Last week i decided to visit my friend Rodrigo in Fortaleza situated in north of Brazil and discover his latest projects. He is launching a beautiful unisex collection of chinos and a colorful handbag collection for women. The colors and prints are warm and tropical and as always the details such as the pockets on the jeans has the perfect fit on the chinos.
The material used for the details such as rings and handles on the handbags are a pure joy to see and touch: it’s so uncommon to find a guality bag now a days so when you see one with this kind of finishing you just need to grab it. Its only my talented friend Rodrigo who can make beach bags and a pair of jeans look like pure luxury. I’m so happy to rediscover my friend and his exiting work again!